Comprehensive Guide to Calculating Restaurant Overhead Rate

Comprehensive Guide to Calculating Restaurant Overhead Rate

Careful financial planning is necessary for managing a successful restaurant, and overhead costs are one important consideration. Accurately calculating your restaurant's overhead rate is essential for maintaining profitability and operational efficiency. This guide will provide an in-depth look into calculating your restaurant's overhead rate, making sure your company has the resources it needs to run efficiently.

Understanding Restaurant Overhead Costs

Overhead costs are the ongoing expenses associated with operating a restaurant that are not directly tied to food production or service. These costs can be categorized into two main types: fixed and variable.

Fixed Overhead Costs

Fixed overhead costs remain constant regardless of your restaurant's sales volume. Common fixed costs include:

Rent or Mortgage: Monthly payments for your restaurant's physical location.

Property Taxes: Regular tax payments on your property.

Insurance: Coverage for liability, property, and worker's compensation.

Salaries: Fixed wages for managerial staff and salaried employees.

Depreciation: Gradual reduction in the value of your restaurant's assets, such as kitchen equipment and furniture.

Variable Overhead Costs

Variable overhead costs fluctuate with your restaurant's level of business activity. Examples include:

Utilities: Costs for electricity, gas, water, and waste disposal.

Supplies: Cleaning products, office supplies, and other miscellaneous items.

Repairs and Maintenance: Upkeep of kitchen equipment, HVAC systems, and the physical premises.

Marketing and Advertising: Expenses for promotions, advertising campaigns, and social media.

Steps to Calculate Your Restaurant Overhead Rate

Accurately calculating your restaurant's overhead rate involves several key steps. Below, we outline a detailed process to help you determine this critical financial metric.

Step 1: Gather Financial Data

Collect comprehensive financial data for a specific period, typically a month or a year. Ensure you have detailed records of all fixed and variable overhead costs.

Step 2: Calculate Total Overhead Costs

Sum up all fixed and variable overhead costs for the chosen period. This total represents your restaurant's overhead costs.

Step 3: Determine Total Sales

Identify your restaurant's total sales for the same period. This figure will be used to calculate the overhead rate as a percentage of sales.

Step 4: Calculate the Overhead Rate

Use the following formula to calculate your restaurant's overhead rate:

  • Overhead Rate (%) = (Total Overhead Costs / Total Sales) x 100

Overhead Rate Example Calculation

Consider a restaurant with the following financial data for one month:

Fixed Overhead Costs:

  • Rent: $5,000

  • Insurance: $1,000

  • Salaries: $4,000

  • Depreciation: $500

Variable Overhead Costs:

  • Utilities: $2,000

  • Supplies: $1,500

  • Repairs and Maintenance: $3,000

  • Marketing and Advertising: $3,000

Total Overhead Costs for the month would be calculated as follows:

  • Total Fixed Overhead Costs = $5,000 + $1,000 + $4,000 + $500 = $10,500

  • Total Variable Overhead Costs = $2,000 + $1,500 + $3,000 + $3,000 = $9,500

  • Total Overhead Costs = $10,500 + $9,500 = $20,000

Assuming the total sales for the same month is $100,000, the overhead rate calculation is:

  • Overhead Rate (%) = ($20,000 / $100,000) x 100 = 20%

In this example, the restaurant's overhead rate is 20%, indicating that 20% of its sales revenue is consumed by overhead costs.

Analyzing and Optimizing Your Overhead Rate

Understanding and optimizing your overhead rate is crucial for maintaining profitability. High overhead rates can erode profit margins, making it essential to regularly review and manage these costs.

Benchmarking Against Industry Standards

Compare your overhead rate to industry benchmarks to identify areas for improvement. The average overhead rate for restaurants typically ranges from 15% to 25%. If your overhead rate exceeds this range, consider strategies to reduce costs.

Cost Reduction Strategies

Energy Efficiency

Invest in energy-efficient appliances and lighting to reduce utility costs. Regularly maintain equipment to ensure optimal performance.

Supplier Negotiations

Negotiate better terms with suppliers to lower the cost of supplies. Consider bulk purchasing or long-term contracts for additional savings.

Streamlined Operations

Implement efficient scheduling and inventory management systems to minimize waste and reduce labor costs.

Outsource Your Back-Office

Outsourcing back-office functions such as accounting, payroll, and human resources can significantly reduce overhead costs. By outsourcing these tasks, you can lower wages and insurance costs associated with maintaining a larger in-house administrative staff. Additionally, outsourcing reduces the need for supplies and utilities required for back-office operations, such as computers, office space, and energy consumption. Professional accounting firms or specialized service providers can handle these tasks more efficiently and cost-effectively, providing access to expertise, advanced technology, and streamlined processes. This approach enhances financial management and compliance while freeing up time to focus on core restaurant operations.

Utilizing Technology

Leverage technology to improve operational efficiency. Point-of-sale (POS) systems, inventory management software like R365, and employee scheduling tools can streamline processes and reduce overhead.

Regular Financial Reviews

Conduct regular financial reviews to monitor overhead costs and identify trends. Adjust your strategies as needed to maintain an optimal overhead rate.

5 easy Steps For Restaurant Overhead Rate Calculation

  1. [Gather Financial Data]

  2. [Calculate Total Overhead Costs]

  3. [Determine Total Sales]

  4. [Calculate Overhead Rate]

  5. [Analyze and Optimize Overhead Rate]


Calculating and managing your restaurant's overhead rate is vital for financial health and long-term success. By understanding the components of overhead costs, accurately calculating the overhead rate, and implementing cost-saving strategies, you can optimize your restaurant's profitability and efficiency. Hiring a hospitality-focused accounting firm like Over Easy Office (OEO) can significantly reduce overhead costs by lowering wages and insurance expenses, as well as reducing the need for supplies and utilities associated with back-office operations. Regular financial reviews and benchmarking against industry standards will help ensure your overhead rate remains in check, allowing your restaurant to thrive in a competitive market.


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