Privacy policy.

Privacy Policy - Over Easy Office (OEO)

At Over Easy Office (OEO), we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to and governs the collection, usage, and disclosure of information obtained through our website.

Information Collection and Use

We may collect personally identifiable information, such as name, address, email address, and telephone number, to provide and improve our services. Specifically, this information may be used for customer support, marketing purposes, service enhancements, and communication regarding our services. Additionally, we may gather non-personally identifying information, such as browser type and IP address, to enhance user experience and analyze website usage.

Data Sharing

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to outside parties without your consent, except as described below:

Service Providers: We may share your information with third-party service providers who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential.

Legal Compliance: We may release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others' rights, property, or safety.


OEO uses cookies to personalize content, optimize advertising, and store user preferences. Users can adjust cookie settings in their browser; however, certain website features may not function properly without cookies.

User Rights

You have the right to access, correct, delete, or object to the processing of your personal information. To exercise these rights, please contact us at We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe.

Consent Mechanism

By using our website, you consent to our privacy policy. For data collection and cookie usage, we obtain user consent through clear and concise notices on our website, allowing users to make informed decisions about their data.

Data Retention Policy

We retain your personal information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy or as required by law. Once your data is no longer needed, we will securely delete or anonymize it.


While we employ commercially acceptable measures to safeguard your personal information, we cannot guarantee absolute security. Users should be aware that transmission over the Internet or electronic storage carries inherent risks.

Links to External Sites

Our website may contain links to third-party sites. We encourage users to review the privacy policies of these external sites, as OEO assumes no responsibility for their content or practices.

Children’s Privacy

OEO does not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 18. If you believe your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us, and we will promptly delete such data.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

OEO reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically. Users are advised to review this page for any changes. Changes become effective upon posting on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Last updated: May 29, 2024.


OEO is here to empower your team with the world’s best back-office talent. Our trained team members have experience in every major restaurant platform including R365, Compeat, QuickBooks, Ctuit, Toast, ADP, and many more.

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Any invoice in any platform, overnight.

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Supercharge transactions and reconciliations with proactive overnight experts.

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Tax Prep

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