Essential Restaurant Technologies to Offset Rising Minimum Wage Costs

Essential Restaurant Technologies to Offset Rising Minimum Wage Costs in 2024


The hospitality industry confronts a new challenge with the rise in minimum wage. Adapting to these changes is crucial for maintaining profitability and operational efficiency. Harnessing avant-garde restaurant technologies can be a game-changer, allowing restaurants to streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and ultimately, offset increased labor costs.

Advanced Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems

POS systems like Toast, Square, Aloha, Clover, Lavu, TouchBistro, and Lightspeed Restaurant, offer comprehensive integration and automation in the restaurant industry. These systems not only streamline operations but also alleviate the burden of manual labor, offering a variety of benefits including:

Comprehensive Integration and Automation

Modern POS systems are far more than just transaction processors. They offer comprehensive integration with other restaurant technologies, enabling seamless operations. These systems automate numerous tasks, from inventory management to sales tracking, reducing the need for manual labor and minimizing human error.

Enhanced Data Analytics

POS systems provide detailed analytics on sales, inventory levels, and customer preferences. This data can be used to make informed decisions about menu offerings, pricing strategies, and staffing requirements. By understanding peak hours and customer behavior, restaurants can optimize labor schedules and reduce unnecessary labor costs.

Tabletop Ordering Systems

Improved Customer Experience

Customers can place orders straight from their tables using tablet or kiosk ordering systems. This technology reduces the need for extensive waitstaff, lowering labor costs. Additionally, it enhances the customer experience by reducing wait times and providing interactive menus with images and descriptions of items and dishes.

Upselling and Cross-Selling

The average check size can be raised by using these systems' programming to recommend complementary items or promotions. Restaurants can increase sales without raising labor costs by enticing patrons to place larger orders.

For instance, restaurants can use Lunchbox in conjunction with their POS system to add new features like tableside ordering. Similar to this, GoodEats, a click-and-collect, and table ordering service from Goodtill, is a great option for restaurants looking to easily integrate tableside ordering into their operations because it offers a simple setup. These systems improve productivity and consumer satisfaction by streamlining the ordering process.

Kitchen Display Systems (KDS)

Streamlined Kitchen Operations

Kitchen Display Systems (KDS) replace traditional paper tickets with digital displays. Orders are sent directly from the POS system to the kitchen, improving order accuracy and speed. This technology reduces the need for expediters and minimizes communication errors between the front-of-house and back-of-house staff.

Real-Time Order Tracking

Kitchen staff may better manage their workflow with KDS's real-time order status tracking. This leads to faster service and higher table turnover rates, ultimately increasing revenue.

Employee Scheduling Software

Optimized Labor Management

Employee scheduling software uses predictive analytics to create optimal work schedules based on historical data and forecasted demand. This technology ensures that restaurants are neither overstaffed nor understaffed, helping to control labor costs while maintaining high service standards.

Compliance and Reporting

These systems help ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations, including those related to minimum wage and overtime. Automated reporting features provide insights into labor costs, hours worked, and employee performance, aiding in better workforce management.

Self-Service Kiosks

Labor Cost Reduction

Self-service kiosks empower customers to place their own orders, reducing the need for front-of-house staff. This technology is particularly effective in quick-service and fast-casual restaurants, where speed and efficiency are paramount.

Enhanced Order Accuracy

Kiosks minimize order errors by allowing customers to input their preferences directly. This reduces food waste and improves customer satisfaction, as orders are more likely to be accurate and meet expectations.


In conclusion, it's evident that embracing advanced restaurant technologies is essential in tackling the hurdles presented by increasing minimum wage expenses. Through the integration of these innovative solutions, restaurants can enhance operational efficiency, improve the customer experience, and optimize labor management. By making this technology investment, restaurants are not only able to mitigate the effects of rising wages but also position themselves for long-term success in a highly competitive market. Moreover, as a specialized accounting firm catering to the food and beverage industry, Over Easy Office (OEO) provides invaluable restaurant-trained back office services. This support ensures seamless financial management and operational excellence, further empowering businesses to thrive in today's dynamic landscape.


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